Ramon Bouckaert, Liberal for KurrajongPhoto of Ramon

It's a pleasure to be able to introduce myself as your local Liberal and fresh face for the Inner North.

By day, I'm a software engineer. I work for a Canberra-based tech startup, helping energy networks prepare for the renewables revolution.

I'm also a lifelong Liberal - I believe the immutable core principles of individual freedom, free enterprise, small government and social responsibility are the right formula for success for Canberra.

As one of the youngest candidates in the race, I get it. It's hard to afford rent and owning a place of your own seems close to impossible.

While the government makes excuses, I’m fighting for a smarter approach to housing – boosting supply to help more people into home ownership, and tax relief to make your rent or mortgage repayments more affordable. You can read more about our policy here.

🏘 Housing affordability is a key issue for me. I believe that owning a home in the Inner North should be an affordable and attainable goal for everyone.

However, this will only happen if we elect a new, smarter government in October that has the confidence to make the necessary hard changes to the planning system and local tax regime.

With your support, I'll also focus on:

  • 💵 Reducing rates, taxes, fees, and the cost of living
  • 🔎 Bringing integrity and accountability to government
  • 📈 Growing Canberra’s private sector and tech industry
  • 🏥 Improving government services and reducing waste

A fresh approach and a new smarter government is what we deserve. As your local member, I will raise the standard and fight for better.

Want to tell me what else I should be focused on?

I'm running an electorate-wide survey to get your feedback on what you'd like to see from our territory government.

✏️Let me know what's important to you!

Our city works best when we are left in charge of our own lives. I will be a local member who helps you but doesn't get in the way.

I will fight for a government that knows its limits, fixes its mistakes, and instead of ignoring problems, tackles them head-on.

If there's anything I can help with as your local Liberal, please feel free to get in contact via any of the methods below: